Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm doing the 365Days on Flickr. I'm nervous as hell, but I can do it!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

During a friends recent birthday party.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just messing around today, taking some shots.. nothing huge. Enjoy this photo :)

This was taken at the Ogden Arts Festival on Saturday, June 13th.
I will upload more as soon as I have them edited. :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The AP Tour

Last night I went to The AP Tour, the bands featured this year were: Hit The Lights, Family Force 5, A Rocket To The Moon, 3OH!3, and The Maine. I don't even know where to begin.. the crowds were soooo insane! There just "happened" to be a ton of these random weird ass jock dudes there for 3OH!3, and they had no idea what you're suppose to do during a concert. We're watching A Rocket To The Moon, and they're moshing.. What in the hell? Then, in-between each band they were trying to get girls to grind with them. Seriously? Let's have some class. You're definitely NOT cute, and you're definitely stupid. The end. Next thing, Family Force 5? Is that even a band? My thoughts: they sound like 3OH!3 (but shittier) if 3OH!3 were to be a real band. And then they were screaming in the middle of their songs! But not good screams, they reminded me of the Calvary Kids, which we all know is just a funny, made up band.. Continuing on, who in their right mind decided is was a NICE thing to tell a singer they suck? Get your ass up on the stage if you think you can do sooo much better! I thought John O handled it very well, nonetheless.. And also, you DON'T start chanting on another band when the current one hasn't finished! Get some class, that's just damn rude. The Maine performed flawlessly. It was so great! Then we get to 3OH!3, so basically, do they just record one song, and then remix it a million times and call it "New Music"? Sounds like it to me. They're not even that great, how did they get so big? How were they headlining?! I was lost.

Anyway, A Rocket To The Moon, Hit The Lights, and The Maine did amazing!

Family Force 5, you suck.

3OH!3, stay in Colorado. Please? Do us all a favor! Thank you.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Don't Want To Be Free

What I feel is real, and what I see is you stopping me from climbing this hill,
This is what flows through my veins, this is what makes me feel.

You are in the clouds I see, the air I breathe.
The seas, the rain droplets on my cheek.

Don't stop me, don't you see?
I can't do this alone, I don't want to be free.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

At This Moment

There's nothing. No soft sounds. No sweet whispers in my ear. I am alone. And the silence is honestly, so golden.